File download speed is not limited.
Currently the size limit is 5000 MB per file. This might change in the future.
In case you require more space, we advise you to split your files using an archive manager like 7-zip.
96 hours. Uploaded files are removed from the server after this period and can no longer be downloaded.
You can permanently delete your files by visiting the delete link that was provided once a file has been uploaded. Make sure to save your delete links when uploading since this is the only way to delete your files.
TRAO is available as an onion service at traokvopohzmbnoujrc6wgxymez727xxctel5p7jh5x2nbkb2ttpptyd.onion.
FOM is a method of preventing network traffic snoop - the idea is to prevent a third party from knowing which file you downloaded. This is done by increasing the transfer size between you and the server. Number of bytes added to your download is random, up to a maximum 10% of the initial file size. The overall transfer size will vary between different download sessions of the same file. Randomly downloading more than you actually need should prevent anyone from knowing exactly which file you downloaded. Using this method you will download a .zip file containing your originally requested file and a file called DELETE ME.txt filled with random content - feel free to disregard that file.
Keep in mind this option is slow for large files (unique .zip has to be created for your download). By default, FOM is turned off.
This method is considered experimental and should not be fully relied upon.
TRAO does not use cookies. Cookies are not stored on your device when using TRAO.
TRAO does not rely on javascript for its functionality. The application should work with javascript disabled in your browser.
Command line downloads:
wget --content-disposition
For full API, check out the API docs.